Well folks, mystery solved. Take a look at this picture. That, my friends, is the Manu-matic
9000. And what do you think this prosthetic hand is good for? Think… Larry has a wide stance, ya, I get that, but picking up soiled paper off the floor? Why, that would be a janitor's job. In Larry’s futuristic vision of the world, that would be the job of the Manu-matic 9000. You see, MyPrivyIdaho has learned that Larry has been moonlighting as a test pilot for the Minnesota Janitor-Botics Corp. Does it make more sense now? Do I have to spell it out? Larry was in that stall testing the hand. Picking up trash with the hand. Wiping the bottoms of the stalls with the hand. Touching his… uh, picking up trash with the hand.
We're sorry, Larry. We're so, so, sorry. Welcome to the Hall of Fame, you've earned it.

1 comment:
A nut, huh? You just got added to the Anti-Sali Socialists list, buddy.
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